Demystifying Change: Why It’s Time to Retire “Change Management” for Good

Demystifying Change: Why It’s Time to Retire “Change Management” for Good

Change management has become a catch-all term, often used by organisations as a convenient way to hand off large, complex, or seemingly insurmountable problems to someone else. It’s a phrase that conveys uncertainty, complexity, and an implication that change is something special to be feared or reserved for experts. But the truth is, we manage change every day. Whether launching a new product, hiring a team, or adjusting to market shifts, organisations and the people within them constantly adapt. When that change becomes large or complex, it’s the worst time to hand it over to someone else.

At Rekon Group, we advocate that organisations abandon the term “change management” altogether. We believe that treating change as an isolated, outsourced function creates a divide between the organisation and the reality of ongoing adaptation. Instead of thinking of change as a daunting, separate event, it should be viewed as an integrated, continuous process. This is where the Rekon StratDo® Approach and tools come in. They demystify change, empowering leaders to take ownership and drive successful outcomes instead of waiting for external “change managers” to solve their challenges.

Kotter’s 8 Steps: Ingredients, Not the Recipe

One of the most widely recognised frameworks for managing change is John Kotter’s 8 Steps for Leading Change. While Kotter’s model has brought structure to how organisations think about change, it’s often misinterpreted. Kotter’s steps are usually seen as linear actions or milestones, but that misses a critical point. These steps aren’t the recipe—they’re the ingredients.

Imagine giving several people the same ingredients: flour, sugar, butter, and eggs. One person might make a cake, another a scone, and yet another a loaf of bread. The ingredients remain the same, but the outcome depends on the recipe. The same is true in change. Kotter’s eight steps are essential for change, but how those ingredients are combined and implemented matters.

This is where many organisations need to catch up. They collect the ingredients but need a straightforward recipe. Without a coherent and adaptable recipe, you might have all the right parts but still have a suboptimal result. The Rekon StratDo® Approach provides that recipe.

The StratDo® Approach: The Recipe for Successful Change

The StratDo® Approach is designed to be scalable, holistic, congruent, and transferable, making it the optimal recipe for managing change—whether the challenge is small or large. Here’s how:

  • Scalable: The StratDo® Approach works for decisions of any size. Whether adjusting a small process or reshaping an entire business model, this approach is flexible and practical, ensuring the right fit for the right situation.
  • Holistic: It doesn’t just cover Kotter’s change ingredients—it encompasses them all. More importantly, it integrates the people, systems, and strategies driving meaningful outcomes. This ensures that no critical element of change is left unconsidered.
  • Congruent: The approach is aligned vertically and horizontally within the organisation. This means it works across departments, teams, and hierarchical levels, ensuring alignment and consistency in decision-making and execution.
  • Transferable: The StratDo® Approach isn’t a one-time tool that only fits specific scenarios. It’s designed to be used across a broad spectrum of decisions, from minor everyday adjustments to more significant strategic transformations.

The Right Tools for the Right Job

In addition to providing the recipe, the StratDo® tools act like the utensils and kitchen appliances you need to make the change happen. Sometimes, you might need to use every tool in the toolkit, while other times, you may only need a few key instruments. But whether it’s one tool or many, they are always there, ready to support the change you lead.

These tools are tailored to optimise decision-making, strategy development, and execution. They guide leaders through complex issues, offering both structure and flexibility. Just like a good chef knows which tool to use at the right moment, leaders who understand StratDo® know how to apply the right tool to ensure the success of their transformation efforts.

Empowering Leaders to Take Charge of Change

The most potent aspect of the StratDo® Approach is how it demystifies change. Once leaders understand how to use the approach and the tools, they no longer need to rely on external “change managers” to fix their problems. They are equipped to tackle large and small challenges confidently, knowing they have the right recipe and tools.

The need for change managers becomes obsolete when everyone in the organisation—from the C-suite to the front line—understands how to approach change as part of their everyday decision-making. The StratDo® Approach empowers individuals at all levels to take ownership of change, ensuring it is managed effectively without the mystique or complexity that often surrounds it.

The StratDo® Approach builds a culture of capability, resilience, and ownership by demystifying change management. Leaders no longer have to hand off complex problems to someone else—they have everything they need to solve them themselves. In a world where change is constant, this is the most potent capability an organisation can possess.

REFERENCE – Kotter, John P. Leading Change. Harvard Business Review Press, 1996.


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