StratDo® Methodology

Simple, intuitive knowledge and tools that work.

REKON’s proprietary StratDo® approach and tools provide a scalable, congruent, transferable, and holistic approach to work, ensuring a unified language and consistent way-of-working throughout the organisation.

Planning and decision-making are essential for high-performance.

StratDo® is a simple and intuitive decision-making process for use at all levels in your workplace. 

The StratDo® approach to decision-making and planning has been proven to drive results. StratDo®  is supported with a comprehensive suite of business tools, developed by outstanding leaders in their field focusing on the essential aspects of business performance.

Alignment with Intent in All Phases

Ensuring financial resources are strategically aligned with business intentions throughout all stages of execution for optimal return on investment.

Leadership, Culture, Capabilities, Decision Rights

Empowering leaders, shaping culture, enhancing capabilities, and clarifying decision-making authority to drive organisational success.

Tracking, Monitoring, and Continuous Improvement

Measuring performance, monitoring outcomes, and fostering continuous improvement to achieve and surpass targeted results.

Decision Architecture, Problem Definition, Decision-Making Process

Crafting a robust decision architecture, defining critical challenges, and streamlining the decision-making process for strategic clarity and direction.

Tracking, Monitoring, and Continuous Improvement

Measuring performance, monitoring outcomes, and fostering continuous improvement to achieve and surpass targeted results.

Structuring and Communicating the Plan

Developing comprehensive strategies and ensuring clear communication to align teams and resources with organisational objectives.


A single structured method for better decision making


Clarify decision rights using DECIDER™. Empower leaders, shape culture, enhance capabilities, and clarify decision-making authority to drive organisational success.

Become the leader people are still talking about years later by building Personal and Professional Trust.

Drive a culture of high-performance where excellence is the norm by aligning behind Shared Values and Purpose, and Shared Mission and Vision. 

Ensure the skills and competencies enable efficient and effective decision-making at all levels. 

Clarify accountabilities with the DECIDER™ decision rights tool. 


DEFINE™ the right problems to solve and DECIDE™ the best options to solve them. Improve cross-functional collaboration and streamline the decision-making process for strategic clarity and direction.

Clarify decision rights and decision architecture using the DECIDER™ decision rights tool.

DEFINE™ the right problems to solve using our proprietary process.

Use the DECIDE™ decision making process to improve cross-functional collaboration and drive excellent decision making. 


Develop comprehensive strategies using the DIRECT™ execution plan and ensure clear communication to align teams and resources with organisational objectives.

Ensure the execution plan covers the seven essential elements to communicate a plan by using the DIRECT™ tool.

Drive accountability and buy-in through a cascading process and nested plans. 

Define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives that nest within the strategic priorities.


Do the work in the safest and most effective way possible.  

Foster a culture where excellence is the norm. 

Ensure optimal allocation of resources, including time, personnel, and materials.

Assign tasks based on individual strengths and expertise. Provide clear instructions and expectations, and empower team members to take ownership.


Measuring performance, monitoring outcomes, and fostering continuous improvement to achieve and surpass targeted results.

Use the REFLECT™ tool to continuously monitor what worked and what didn’t and drive continous improvement. 

Track progress regularly against milestones and deadlines.

Be flexible and make necessary adjustments to stay on track.


Ensuring financial resources are strategically aligned with business intentions throughout all stages of execution for optimal return on investment.

Identify and craft the right culture for your organisation.

Scalable tools and processes for all levels of the organisation

(Chairpersons, Corporate Presidents, Heads of State, Global CEOs)

(Executive Managers, Divisional Directors, Senior Department Directors, Group Managers)

(Senior Managers, Division Heads, Departmental Directors, Branch Managers)

(Department Managers, Section Supervisors, Intermediate Managers, Unit Managers)

(Operational Staff, Frontline Employees, Line Workers, Team Members)

C- suite

Senior Manager

Middle Manager

Junior Manager / Team Leader equivalent


The StratDo® eBook

The eBook will guide you through the proprietary StratDo® approach and tools we have developed to boost performance in companies operating in sectors as diverse as resources, industrial services, financial services, health, sales, IT and technology.

Contact Us

We specialise in delivering customised solutions that address your organisation’s specific challenges. Please fill out the form with your details and areas of interest. A dedicated specialist from our team will get in touch to discuss how we can assist in helping drive your organisation forward.

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