StratDo® Approach and Tools

A structured and disciplined approach to deliver superior performance!

This proven methodology is scalable, holistic, congruent, and transferable. Adopt the entire approach or just parts—what matters is deliberate implementation.

StratDo® Approach

The StratDo® approach is a methodology that captures how we already intuitively work in organisations today. We just codified it for clarity and consistency. Let Rekon show you where to start…

Rekon Group's StratDo Approach for Strategic Decision Making

MONEY - The StratDo® methodology aligns financial resources and strategy in all phases of the approach.  STRATEX is allocated to facilitate planning and NPV used to assess project viability. The plan allocates and budgets CAPEX, OPEX, and NWC. Results are monitored using key metrics like ROI and ROCE to ensure financial goals are met.

PEOPLE - Identify the right stakeholders, in the right roles, with clear decision rights for the task (use the DECIDER™ tool).  Build trust and put in place the framework to drive a culture of excellence (Use the Trust and Performance and Culture Models).

RESULTS -  Track and monitor results to adapt to changes, unpack the good and bad, and drive continuous improvement (use the REFLECT™ tool). 

PLANNING -  Conduct collaborative planning to frame the problem and identify the right problems to solve (use the DEFINE™ tool). Explore options to solve the problem and select the best course of action (use the DECIDE™ tool). The output is a clear decision and way forward. 

PERFORM - Perform the task, do the work.  The leadership and oversight of the work is critical to successful execution of the task (Use the Trust Model and Performance and Culture Model)

PLAN -  Communicate the plan.  Cover all seven essential elements required to communicate the plan effectively (Use the DIRECT™ tool). It ensures that enablers and resources are allocated, timelines are stipulated, and the necessary coordination is in place.

StratDo® Tools

The proprietary Rekon StratDo® Tools are versatile, comprehensive, aligned, and adaptable. You can use all the tools or just some—the key is to to it intentionally.



Clarify decision rights using our proprietary DECIDER™ tool. Clarifying decision rights and who is on the team is critical to collaboration and streamlined planning.  


DEFINE™ Process

Before we start solving problems the DEFINE™ decision-making tool helps frame the problem and identifies the right problems to solve. An iterative process this is critical for senior and executive leaders to master. 


DECIDE™ Process

Once we clarify the decision rights and define the problem, the DECIDE™ decision-making process drives the exploration of options and their opportunities and risks. 


DIRECT™ Template

The DIRECT™ tool covers all seven essential elements to communicate a plan effectively. The DIRECT™ is critical for precision execution. 


REFLECT™ Process

The REFLECT™ tool is essential for tracking performance, ensuring the plan remains viable amid changing situations, and driving continuous improvement. It fosters a learning organisation.



Ensuring financial resources are strategically aligned with business intentions throughout all stages of execution for optimal return on investment.


REKON Trust Model

Trust is the foundation for all relationships.  The Rekon Trust Model provides a simple and intuitive framework to understanding what drives leadership and trust.

REKON Performance and Culture Model

The Rekon Performance and Culture Model clarifies the elements of any team performance and culture. Whether used as a diagnostic tool or to demonstrate high-performance principles, it has been proven to work time and again.


REKON Organisational Maturity Model

The Rekon Organisational Maturity Model maps an organization’s planning capability against its operating model’s execution ability. The line of congruency illustrates the necessity for these elements to work in harmony.

The StratDo® methodology features five stratification models, providing scalable solutions for all levels of the organisation

StratDo® Level V is tailored for CEOs, MDs, and EVPs, aiming to refine their visionary leadership capabilities and strategic acumen on a global scale. This highest level of leadership training emphasizes developing forward-thinking strategies that anticipate future trends, foster sustainability, and promote ethical leadership. Participants enhance their ability to lead transformative changes, ensuring the organization thrives in a competitive global marketplace and upholds high standards of corporate responsibility.

StratDo® Level IV caters to GMs, business unit leaders, and heads of departments, focusing on mastering strategic decision-making and high-level leadership skills. This level equips leaders with sophisticated frameworks for making informed, impactful decisions that influence the broader strategic direction of the organization. It prepares participants to negotiate effectively, influence internal and external stakeholders, and handle high-stakes challenges with strategic foresight.

StratDo® Level III targets middle managers, senior leaders, and principals, enhancing their skills in strategic decision-making and leadership for substantial organizational impact. This level introduces more complex decision-making processes and leadership strategies to drive change, manage cross-functional teams, and foster a culture of innovation. Participants learn to align departmental goals with organizational objectives, ensuring they can lead effectively in increasingly dynamic environments.

StratDo® Level II is designed to develop the decision-making and leadership capabilities of supervisors, team leaders, and superintendents. It provides advanced tools and techniques for effective team management and project oversight, enhancing participants' ability to lead with confidence and resolve conflicts. This level aims to strengthen leadership qualities that facilitate successful team dynamics and improved project outcomes, positioning leaders to make strategic contributions to their departments.

StratDo® Level I focuses on empowering frontline employees with the fundamental decision-making tools necessary for handling daily operational challenges efficiently. This level equips participants with basic strategies to enhance their problem-solving capabilities and improve communication skills, ensuring they can effectively address customer needs and manage immediate operational tasks. The goal is to build a strong foundation of decision-making skills that supports their role in driving the organization's success from the ground up.

LEVEL V - Board, CEOs, MDs

LEVEL IV - GMs, Function/BU Heads

LEVEL III - Senior Leaders, Managers, Principals

LEVEL II - Supervisors, Superintendents, Team Leaders

LEVEL I - Frontline equivalent

Rekon Group's P3 Method

The StratDo® eBook

The eBook will guide you through the proprietary StratDo® approach and tools we have developed to boost performance in companies operating in sectors as diverse as resources, industrial services, financial services, health, sales, IT and technology.

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